Welcome to D&H National Research Centers, where we invite you to be a part of our research that aims to understand the lives of children living with Bipolar Disorder and get up $1200 Compensation.

Does your teenager experience sudden mood swings? Are you concerned they might have Bipolar Disorder?
If so, we invite you to participate in a groundbreaking clinical study seeking new treatment options for this condition in children and adolescents aged 12 to 17.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme changes in mood, ranging from euphoria (mania) to deep depression. These changes can be unpredictable and significantly impact the child or teenager's daily life.

What does the study involve?
This study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a new medication for treating Bipolar Disorder in children and adolescents. The study will last approximately 12 months and include regular evaluations, doctor visits, and administration of the new medication.
What are the benefits of participating?
Your child will have access to innovative treatment that could significantly improve their quality of life.
You will receive specialized medical care from a team of professionals experienced in Bipolar Disorder.
You will be provided with information and support to better understand the condition and how to manage it.
What are the risks of participating?
As with any clinical study, there is a possibility that your child may experience side effects related to the new medication. These side effects are usually mild and disappear on their own.
D&H National Research Centers is currently conducting a study on Bipolar Disorder. As a prominent leader in clinical research in Florida, we are committed to advancing medical knowledge and patient care.
Inclusion Criteria:
If you want to participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria:
Male or female subjects aged from 10 to 17 years old.
Subjects with DSM-5-TR primary diagnosis bipolar I disorder confirmed.
Subjects must have normal physical examination findings, clinical laboratory test results, and ECG results at Screening Visit 1. Abnormal results must not be clinically significant, as determined by the investigator.
Negative pregnancy test at screening for all females of childbearing potential.
Parent(s) or subject’s legal representative(s) must be capable of giving signed Informed Consent.
Subject must be able and willing to follow study instructions and be considered likely to complete all required study visits.
Exclusion Criteria:
You are not eligible for participation in this study if:
Subjects with diagnosis of major depressive disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, brief psychotic disorder, or psychotic disorder due to another medical condition.
Prior diagnosis of intellectual disability (IQ < 70).
Subject with an acute or unstable medical condition, including (but not limited to) inadequately controlled diabetes, hepatic insufficiency (specifically any degree of jaundice), uncorrected hyper- or hypothyroidism, acute systemic infection, renal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, or cardiovascular disease.
History of seizures (with the exception of febrile seizures), stroke, significant head injury, or any other condition that predisposes to seizure.

D&H National Research Centers is a leading medical trial center located in Florida.
If you and your child are interested in joining our Bipolar Disorder medical trial or have questions about it, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to provide you with all the information and support you need, please fill out the form or contact us by phone: (786) 375-6210